Flat line fishing definition
Flat line fishing definition

flat line fishing definition

The inline circle hooks are the ones that are “tournament legal” and required to fish in many tournaments. Many anglers assume all circle hooks are the same or “legal” for all areas, but circle hooks are also available with offset and inline points. The majority of inline points are also most used by anglers that want to comply with specific tournament regulations. Inline point hooks are preferred for anglers planning to release their catch and are required when pursuing many species due to local or state regulations.

flat line fishing definition

Inline points are “in line” with the eye of the hook and will lay flat when placed on a flat surface. The offset point also has the potential of increasing the mortality rate of released fish as it has a greater chance of a fish being gut hooked. This slight offset increases the hooking percentages for an angler. The definition of an offset hook is when the hook point is turned out slightly from the eye of the hook like the picture below.

flat line fishing definition

Many anglers ask about the difference between offset and inline points and we hope to give you a better understanding of the differences in this article.

Flat line fishing definition